The World Sacrificial Rites Arc

The Outcast S2

The Outcast S2: The World Sacrificial Rites Arc

Original Title
Completed 一人之下 第2季

Translation Progress
Completed 24 / 24

Related Works
The Outcast S1 / The Outcast S2 OVA / The Outcast S3


In this world, Outcasts exist. To unlock the secret about his grandpa and himself, Zhang Chulan heads to the Taoist Master Hall on Mount Longhu with Feng Baobao for the grand gathering —— the World Sacrificial Rites, where they had to fight against many expert Outcasts.

The Outcast S2 English Sub
Official Site
一人之下 第2季

Staff List

Last Modified: July 26, 2020
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  1. Urkarg Urkarg

    Hi guys. Thank you for the amazing work with this show. Could you please upload the whole of season 2? there's only a few episodes on nyaa.

    1. wuzimiko wuzimiko

      @UrkargHi, from when I last checked we will be fixing that issue after we complete s3. Cheers!

    2. raylu raylu

      @wuzimikoit looks like this is still an issue. are the other episodes available somewhere?

  2. Sisgrey Sisgrey

    Hello ! Thank for season 1 ! however, I'm having trouble finding season 2 apart from a few episodes (especialy in chinese dub). Haven't you already completed subs for this season ?


    Sorry to disturb you.
    You do a really good job.
    But is it possible to share some magnets to season 2 episodes?
    I promisse to keep seeding them for a long time.

  4. crustypant1289 crustypant1289

    can you please upload it to ? the files from nyaa are not seeding anymore